This tiny strap is great. It's perfect for a road bike where you don't want to carry a handlebar/frame bag and want to get the weight out of your pump out of your jersey pocket.
This is very clever piece of neoprene and some shock cords that allows me to easily move my Silca Tattico between my bikes. The standard size fits the Tattico like a glove and it works perfectly without even removing the Quickdraw. Now I can throw it in the giant saddle bag on my touring bike like I have always done, but when I want to ride one of my other bikes I can quickly strap this thing to the cage bosses and boom- instant piece of mind. It's one of those simple things you feel stupid for not having thought of yourself but is a total game changer. Just buy it. It's $12.
These single shots are amazing. I purchased 3 (2 frame and 1 cage) and the quality is excellent. Pumps do not rattle. You can tighten the bungee so they are practically unlovable.
Apart from the excellent product I have to mention the excellent customer service. Justin responded to my emails immediately. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact him.
I will definitely recommend you to my cyclist friends and will also be looking into purchasing your other products!!!
I use the Quickdraw frame mount for carrying an extra CO2 on longer rides, where only having one makes me nervous. It's very easy to put on and take off, holds the cartridge securely, and doesn't rattle or scuff my frame. Again Original Free Range is making really neat and thoughtful upgrades that make a difference!
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